Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why No One Really Believes in Evolution pt3

Now we all trust our minds and the thoughts that arise from them because we believe our minds to be logical, reasonable, rational, intelligent and coherent. Each of these traits is central to knowing anything, to positing any truth, to making any kind of a rational decision, to science, to math, and more specifically to thought itself. And yet if, as evolution maintains, the brain is the accumulation of millions of years of unguided, unintended chemical processes, if it is merely the composition of matter plus energy, then where does reason, logic, rationality and intelligence arise from?

Just the other day I was conversing with an evolutionist about his beliefs. I asked him why he believed in evolution, to which he responded, “Logic.” I found the answer quite interesting. I then asked him, “Is matter intelligent?”
He answered, “No.”
“Is energy intelligent?”
Again, “No.”
“Hmmm...” I continued. “Did you ever take math in school?”
“Can you tell me then, what is 0+0?”
“Zero.”, he replied.
“All the time?”
“Yes, all the time”.
I then queried, “So if I take zero intelligence and add zero intelligence to it, how much intelligence do we get?”
“Ummm, zero.”
“And if we add zero plus zero for a thousand years? A million? A billion? How much intelligence do we get by adding another factor without intelligence?”
I then pressed the dialogue, “The same is true of logic, of reason, of rationality, of knowledge. If you add a zillion non-logical chemicals together how much logic do you get? Zero. Where then did intelligence, logic and reason come from?”

Zero intelligence plus zero intelligence equals zero intelligence. Zero logic plus zero logic equals zero logic. Where, then, does intelligence arise from (in the human brain or anywhere else for that matter) when there is no intelligent source or origin? Is “intelligence” just a combination of certain chemicals? Is logic a different chemical combination? And reason a third? And if so, how does any combination of non-intelligent chemicals make intelligence? And Logic? And Reason? The answer, of course, is that they don’t. Zero plus zero still equals zero.

In evolution thought is simply the gaseous excretions of the chemical combustions of the goo in your head. These excretions are no different from any other excretions from any other part of your body, or any other “living” thing. They are all just chemicals interacting and combusting. So what makes the gaseous excretions in a skull intelligent or meaningful while the random gaseous excretions from intestines are not? So what in the world would cause an evolutionist to think that his mind is a reliable guide that gives meaningful insights and has accurate interpretations of laws of logic and physical phenomena? If he really believed evolution how could he possibly believe that this mass of random chemical goo called his “brain” is intelligent or rational? How is his conglomeration of random chemicals (brain), or anyone else’s, any different from any other conglomeration of random chemicals such as Alka-Seltzer, soda-pop or dirt?

To be continued...

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