Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why No One Really Believes in Evolution pt5

I remember the time that my essay “Of Evolution and Alka-Seltzer” got posted on an atheist/evolutionist website, which prompted dozens of responses. Not surprisingly every one of these responses made appeal to laws of logic and reason and evidence, only further validating the argument presented in the essay. What these fellows failed to realize was that their attempt to make a distinction between what was logical and illogical, their attempt to make a distinction between right and wrong ideas and reasonable and unreasonable thoughts completely destroyed the foundation of their evolutionism. The more they appealed to such concepts the more they denied the reality of their belief. They cannot appeal to any standard of logic, reason, rationality or truth because evolution undermines the possibility of logic, reason, rationality and truth. If they really believed evolution they would realize there is no distinction between what is logical and what is not, but that their mind just does what it does because it is natural for it to do so.

And yet they continue to believe that they are capable of making choices. They continue to believe that there are objective standards of logic and rationality. They continue to believe that they have meaningful thoughts, that their ideas correspond to reality, that they are capable of intelligence and are themselves intelligent beings. They believe that they do have senses, and that what those senses intake correspond to reality, and that the transfer of the data from those senses to their brains is an accurate transmission, and that the brains interpretation of the data is accurate, and that they make reasonable choices in accordance with all of that data. In so doing they fail treat their minds as products of evolution.

And so, just like the madmen mentioned at the beginning, there stands the evolutionist declaring, “With my reason, logic, intellect, knowledge and rationality I believe in evolution.” In other words, “Logically, there is no logic! With my rational mind I have determined that there are no rational minds! With my reason I have ascertained that there is no reason! From all of the knowledge that I have obtained I have determined that there is no knowledge! From the depths of my intelligence I have concluded that there is no intelligence in the universe!” Why? Because they really believe that they are far more than just random, impersonal, unintelligent, non-rational, non-logical combinations of matter and energy. In the end, they do not really believe in evolution. They might shout it from the rooftops and write it in their books and live it in their moral choices, but they flatly deny it in the way they think.

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