Huge shortage in Colorado!
Huge shortage in Colorado!
I just heard that there is an enormous need in the state of Colorado and you might just be one of the people that can fill that position. The position that is open is that of Youth Pastor. STOP! Don’t walk away! I know you might not think you are qualified for this position, but that’s why there is such a shortage. You might actually be just the man for the job.
Here are the qualifications…
1) You must be the father of at least one child.
2) You must love your child/children.
3) You must own a Bible and must know how to read.
4) You must live in your house.
If you meet these qualifications then you are perfect for the position.
Here is the job description:
1) You are to teach your children about God. That’s right. That God that you worship, talk about Him with those kids and do it whenever you get a chance.
2) Teach these children God’s ways. Yep, open up that Book filled with Gods instructions to us and to them and say, “This is what God says”.
3) Now this is key…teach these children what you believe.
Okay, that’s about it. Oh, one last thing…this is to be done with your children. Don’t let someone else do it for you.
The pay… the eternal reward of knowing that you invested in your children, that you taught them about God and how to worship God. Knowing that you had a hand in who they have become and in what they believe is a greater reward than any amount of money.
Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to sign up for the position because you already have the job. If you are a father then you are a youth pastor. God has called every father to pastor his children because their father is far more qualified than anyone else!
Here are the qualifications…
1) You must be the father of at least one child.
2) You must love your child/children.
3) You must own a Bible and must know how to read.
4) You must live in your house.
If you meet these qualifications then you are perfect for the position.
Here is the job description:
1) You are to teach your children about God. That’s right. That God that you worship, talk about Him with those kids and do it whenever you get a chance.
2) Teach these children God’s ways. Yep, open up that Book filled with Gods instructions to us and to them and say, “This is what God says”.
3) Now this is key…teach these children what you believe.
Okay, that’s about it. Oh, one last thing…this is to be done with your children. Don’t let someone else do it for you.
The pay… the eternal reward of knowing that you invested in your children, that you taught them about God and how to worship God. Knowing that you had a hand in who they have become and in what they believe is a greater reward than any amount of money.
Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to sign up for the position because you already have the job. If you are a father then you are a youth pastor. God has called every father to pastor his children because their father is far more qualified than anyone else!
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